Welcome to ELI-NP Autumn School 2020
The field of photon–based nuclear science and applications is rapidly evolving being driven by the major worldwide
development of ultrahigh intensity lasers and brilliant quasi-monochromatic gamma beam systems.
The School aims at introducing PhD students and young post-doctoral researchers to the field of high power lasers
and nuclear photonics and also to present recent experimental and theoretical advances in the field.
The School will consist of a number of lecture courses given by experts in the field, starting from a basic level,
but also including more advanced seminars. The lectures will be held in the new Conference Center and online.
Students are invited to contribute to the school by short oral presentions on their own research.
Main Topics:
Contact Info
School Directors: Dr. Călin A. UR / Dr. Kazuo A. TANAKA
Secretary: Cristina HOLEAB
Phone: +40 (0)37.467.63.56
Email: elias@eli-np.ro