The High Power Laser System (HPLS) and the Laser Beam Transport System (LBTS), both operational since 2020, are key components of the ELI-NP facility. These systems together allow the creation and delivery of the required laser pulses to the experimental areas where the experiments take place.

The six outputs of the HPLS provide 23 fs pulses at 100 TW (2 optically synchronous outputs), 1 PW (2 optically synchronous outputs) and 10 PW level (also 2 optically synchronous outputs), making it the most advanced operational laser system worldwide at this pulse duration (in year 2024). The pulses are delivered in 5 different experimental areas: E4 (100 TW), E5 (1PW), E1 and E6 (10 PW) and E7 (1PW, as of 2024).

The Lasers System Department (LSD) group's task is to follow up and provide support for the operation, maintenance and upgrade of the HPLS and LBTS and their integration within the ELI-NP research facility. This is achieved also through the operation of an Optics Lab for developments of new optical and related technologies, testing of optical systems and components, and training of the team.

The Operation Team has the task to safely (man and machine) operate the High Power Laser System (HPLS), the Laser Beam Transport System (LBTS) for experiments.

To complete its tasks, the Laser Operation Team receives support from the Infrastructure and Scientific teams.

The Infrastructure Team ensures a proper infrastructure (electricity, electronics, IT, cooling water) and environment for both HPLS and LBTS. They provide a training plan for the operation team on specific needs.

The Scientific Team is responsible with the HPLS and LBTS developments, and future updates of the system, also interfacing it with the experimental areas of ELI-NP.

The Scientific team grows interdisciplinary competences with the required skills and know-how needed for interfacing the HPLS and LBTS with the experiments, follows all parameters of HPLS and supports the Operation team in the daily duty within HPLS and LBTS. HPLS development

The Optics Lab is equipped to provide training for the RD1 members and for the users of the HPLS, as well as to test and qualify optical components for use in the HPLS.

The cutting edge technology available in the Optics Laboratory of the Extreme Light Infrastructure – Nuclear Physics Research Center makes the research facility the ideal place for laser pulse characterization, beam diagnostics, wavefront analysis, laser induced damage threshold, interferometry and so on. The lab itself is an ISO 6-ISO 7 cleanroom facility provided with all necessary cleanroom access equipment.

The research teams interested in using our facility or collaborating with our scientists, are provided with multiple optical tables and optical boards, wide range of optics and opto-mechanic equipment, high end optical instruments, and all auxiliary electronic devices such as computers, oscilloscopes, power supplies, delay pulse generators, multimeters, etc

Optics Laboratory Website

Daniel URSESCU Dr. Daniel URSESCU Head of "Lasers System Department" CV     Info
Name Position Info
Dan-Gheorghiță MATEI CS III CV     Info
Gabriel Petrișor BLEOTU PhD Student
Cosmin JALBĂ PhD Student
Vlad Andrei POPESCU PhD Student
Robert SCHMELZ Operation Engineer
Sorin MOLDOVEANU Software Engineer
Mihai CARAGEA Engineer
Gabriel COJOCARU Engineer / Team leader
Octavian DĂNILĂ Engineer
Costin Eugen ENE Engineer / Team leader
Alexandru LAZĂR Engineer
Andrei Bogdan NAZÎRU Engineer
Dmitrii NISTOR Engineer / Team leader
Adrian TOADER Engineer / PhD student
Antonia TOMA Engineer / Team leader
Lidia VĂSESCU Engineer / Team leader
Cristian ALEXE Jr. Engineer / PhD student
Alice DUMITRU Jr. Engineer / PhD student
Saidbek NORBAEV Jr. Engineer
Andrew Hiroaki OKUKURA Jr. Engineer / PhD student
Stefan POPA Jr. Engineer
Sergiu RUSNAC Jr. Engineer
Vlad Jan GACIU Physicist
Tayyab IMRAN Physicist
Takahisa JITSUNO Physicist
Fattima AL-ABEDJY Technician
Andrei BULIGA Technician
Daniel CRACANA Technician
Alexandra Elena GRIGORE Technician
Bianca Elena PREOTEASA Technician
Georgiana Bianca STAN Technician
Nicolae STAN Technician
Alina CARANICA Assistant
Cristina HOLEAB Assistant
Media Gallery
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Publications, Abstracts, and Conference Presentations

Quality assessment for large aperture optical elements inducing phase jumps

Drift-free, 11 fs pulse delay stability in dual arm PW class laser system

Classification of laser beam profiles using machine learning at the ELI-NP high power laser system

Exploring fs-laser irradiation damage subthreshold behavior of dielectric mirrors via electrical measurements

Post-compression of high-energy, sub-picosecond laser pulses.

Zernike-coefficient Extraction via Helical Beam Reconstruction for Optimization (ZEHBRO) in the far field

Influence of Spatio-Temporal Couplings on Focused Optical Vortices.

Propagation of ultrashort laser fields with spatiotemporal couplings using Gabor’s Gaussian complex decomposition

10 PW peak power femtosecond laser pulses at ELI-NP

Spectral broadening for multi-Joule pulse compression in the APOLLON Long Focal Area facility

Compressing High Energy Lasers through Optical Polymer Films

High-energy hybrid femtosecond laser system demonstrating 2 10 PW capability

Upgrading design of a multi-TW femtosecond laser

Generation of shock trains in free liquid jets with a nanosecond green laser

Free space variable optical attenuator using frustrated total internal reflection with 70 dB dynamic range

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