Paddy Regan's seminar: "The Measure of All Things: From quetta to quecto"


Professor Patrick "Paddy" Regan from the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) in Teddington and the University of Surrey in the United Kingdom visited ELI-NP to deliver a seminar to researchers at the institute. Professor Regan is the NPL-Surrey Chair in Radionuclide Metrology at the university and the Science Area Leader of the Nuclear Metrology Group at NPL.

The topic of the seminar was "The Measure of All Things", something that is very timely at the current phase of the ELI-NP scientific programme were scientific experiments have already begun. During the presentation, Professor Regan delivered a deep dive into the fundamental meaning of what a measurement really is and how to relate these measurements to well defined, known, and repeatable base quantities that makes up the foundation of the International Measurement System of Units (SI). This presentation was followed by an active discussion as this topic will be especially important with the reach of the ELI-NP facility into regiems of physical quantities where primary standards in terms of quantities and procedures do not yet exist.
