Saturday Morning Physics at ELI-NP


The long-awaited lecture series ended Saturday, December 14th, 2019. The final lesson of the autumn session "Saturday Morning Physics at ELI-NP" took place at the headquarters of ELI-NP, in Magurele.

After the last presentation, the participants visited the ELI-NP laboratories, and those with an attendance of over 80% received 72 diplomas from the academician Nicolae Victor Zamfir, the general director of the ELI-NP Center.

The interest in attending these lectures was considerable and many passionate people, from the country, wanted to see and understand better what it is about in this project. The session began in mid-September at the Faculty of Chemistry at the University of Bucharest. Those students who were interested in asking questions to the presenters during the 12 lessons used the app from the App Store and Google Play or from

The organizers promise that similar events will be held regularly in the future!