The Doctoral School of "Engineering and Applications of Lasers and Accelerators" (DSEALA) was founded on the partnership established among the POLITEHNICA Bucharest University (UPB), the National Research and Development Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering "Horia Hulubei" (IFIN-HH), the Institute National Institute of Research and Development for the Physics of Lasers, Plasma and Radiation (INCDFLPR) and the National Research and Development Institute for the Physics of Materials (INCDFM), in order to achieve excellence in training and research, as well as to optimize the joint use of human, material and financial resources. Within DSEALA there are involved doctoral supervisors from partner institutions mentioned above.

Public defense of the doctoral thesis and PhD degree - Andreea Bianca ȘERBAN (GHERGHE)

On May 30, 2023, Andreea Bianca ȘERBAN (GHERGHE), doctoral student with the School of Engineering and Applications of Lasers and Accelerators at the University Politehnica of Bucharest and doctoral research assistant with the ELI-NP Department of Gamma Driven Experiments, has defended his doctoral thesis on "NEW MATERIALS FOR POSITRON MODERATION".
Following the public defense of the doctoral thesis, the committee has granted the title of doctor to Mrs. Andreea Bianca ȘERBAN (GHERGHE).

The doctoral committee was composed of:
CS1. Dr. Ing. Călin Alexandru UR - President
CS1. Dr. Dimiter L. BALABANSKI - PhD Supervisor
CS II dr. habil. Nikolay Ivanov DJOURELOV - Reviewer
CS I dr. habil. Cristian Mihail TEODORESCU - Reviewer
Prof. dr. Patrick NÉDÉLEC - Reviewer

• The PhD thesis can be consulted at the Politehnica University Library in Bucharest, located in the premises of Splaiul Independentei no. 313.
• The summary of the work is available here: Romanian  /  English



Public defense of the doctoral thesis and PhD degree - Anamaria SPĂTARU

On December 6, 2022, Anamaria SPĂTARU, doctoral student with the School of Engineering and Applications of Lasers and Accelerators at the University Politehnica of Bucharest and doctoral research assistant with the ELI-NP Department of Gamma Driven Experiments, has defended his doctoral thesis on "HIGH-ACCURACY MASS MEASUREMENTS OF NEUTRON RICH NUCLEI AND STUDY OF N = 90 SHAPE PHASE TRANSITION".
Following the public defense of the doctoral thesis, the committee has granted the title of doctor to Mrs. Anamaria Spătaru.

The doctoral committee was composed of:
CS1. Dr. Ing. Călin Alexandru UR - President
CS1. Dr. Dimiter L. BALABANSKI - PhD Supervisor
Prof. Dr. Gheorghe CĂTA-DANIL - Reviewer
Prof. Dr. Israel MARDOR - Reviewer
Prof. Dr. Mihaela SIN - Reviewer

• The PhD thesis can be consulted at the Politehnica University Library in Bucharest, located in the premises of Splaiul Independentei no. 313.
• The summary of the work is available here: Romanian  /  English



Public defense of the doctoral thesis and PhD degree - Dragoș-Florin NICHITA

On November 24, 2022, Dragoș-Florin NICHITA, doctoral student with the School of Engineering and Applications of Lasers and Accelerators at the University Politehnica of Bucharest and doctoral research assistant with the ELI-NP Department of Gamma Driven Experiments, has defended his doctoral thesis on "RADIOACTIVE ION BEAMS DRIVEN BY Y-RAYS INDUCED FISSION OF 238U AND PROMPT FISSION Y-RAYS IN 233U(nth,f)".
Following the public defense of the doctoral thesis, the committee has granted the title of doctor to Mr. Dragoș-Florin Nichita.

The doctoral committee was composed of:
CS1. Dr. Ing. Călin Alexandru UR - President
CS1. Dr. Dimiter L. BALABANSKI - PhD Supervisor
Prof. Dr. Octavian SIMA - Reviewer
Prof. Dr. Witold KRASNY - Reviewer
Prof. Dr. Anabella TUDORA - Reviewer

• The PhD thesis can be consulted at the Politehnica University Library in Bucharest, located in the premises of Splaiul Independentei no. 313.
• The summary of the work is available here: Romanian  /  English



Public defense of the doctoral thesis and PhD degree - Alexandru-Nicolae STATE

On November 21, 2022, Alexandru-Nicolae STATE, doctoral student with the School of Engineering and Applications of Lasers and Accelerators at the University Politehnica of Bucharest and doctoral research assistant with the ELI-NP Department of Gamma Driven Experiments, has defended his doctoral thesis on "ION TRANSPORT AND EXTRACTION WITH GAS FLOWS IN NEXT GENERATION ION CATCHERS".
Following the public defense of the doctoral thesis, the committee has granted the title of doctor to Mr. Alexandru-Nicolae State.

The doctoral committee was composed of:
CS1. Dr. Ing. Călin Alexandru UR - President
CS1. Dr. Dimiter L. BALABANSKI - PhD Supervisor
CS2. Dr. Nikolay DJOURELOV - Reviewer
Prof. Dr. Christoph SCHEIDENBERGER - Reviewer
Conf. Univ. Dr. Alexandru NICOLIN - Reviewer

• The PhD thesis can be consulted at the Politehnica University Library in Bucharest, located in the premises of Splaiul Independentei no. 313.
• The summary of the work is available here: Romanian  /  English

