With ELI-NP, we are now standing on the threshold of a renaissance in Nuclear Physics field, in which photons may also be used
to directly manipulate, excite and even transmute nuclear structure as well as provide new ways to sort out and treat
nuclear waste, to secure our environment.
ELI-NP is open to the world; it is open science, open innovation when the science of things that matter to the people is applied. It will really be a torchbearer,
the first to include three different countries, distinct funding procedures and to most it will be the best in the world, drawing people from around.
It is a symbol. France and Romania, due their researchers, can implement the most powerful laser in the world... We owe this to the trust and common goals that we share.
The laser will mean cooperation between our researchers for many years to come. Research work is essential nowadays.
We have emphasized that Extreme Light Infrastructure is a game changer in the 21st Century science. This is first because ELI will
change the way we conduct the fundamental scientific investigation we established in 20th Century with the fashion of the extrapolation of the current technology to ever larger sizes
What I have seen here impressed me very much. I congratulate you for what you have done. It is an example of collaboration in
the EU for high-class research, leading to European development and investments. It is an enormous progress not only for
Romania, but also for the EU, which has invested a lot of money in this place.