ELI-NP is building a team of dedicated, talented people willing to contribute to the operation and to perform laser-matter
interaction experiments with the most powerful LASER in the world. If you are interested in working in an innovative, dynamic
environment and share our passion for "pushing the limits", we would be thrilled to work with you.
ELI-NP offers researchers and engineers from various fields related to the activity of the new Research Center the opportunity
to grow and reach their full potential in a multicultural and interdisciplinary environment. It aims to create an innovation a
creativity lab for research and applications which benefit society at large. Our work ethic is based on respect, diversity,
curiosity and integrity. We offer outstanding working conditions and competitive salaries and benefits.
We are very proud of our project and the team we have brought together. Our employees are our most valuable asset and the key means by which we can achieve our goals. For queries and further information: human.resources@eli-np.ro