We have a series of research and development activities synergetic with our main research topics, for the accomplishment of the prerequisites for successful experiments (e.g., stability and repeatability, signal to noise ratio, detections) and further improvements
(such as the gradual improvement of the vacuum level, beneficial for the high-sensitivity experiments):
Development of a detection system, Gamma-Polari-Calorimeter (GPC), commonly applicable to energy measurements for electrons, positrons and gamma-rays above the 0.1 GeV energy scale
Preparatory tests for laser plasma acceleration of electrons up to necessary energies 210 MeV, 2.5 GeV and 5 GeV for the later stage experiments, respectively
Tests of the behaviour of optical elements under mechanical and thermal stress generated by the bake-out procedures for ultra-high vacuum
Outgassing tests (mass spectrum measurements) for components of the optical setups to be placed in ultra-high vacuum
New methods for metabolomics
Development of NMR methods (pulse sequences) to preserve the lifetime of stable-isotope spin polarisation (long-lived states and coherences) for imaging and biomolecular studies (Patent application submitted in 2019)
International collaborations have been one of the main ingredients in the successful development of the ELI-NP scientific case, scientists from
four continents proposing novel ideas that can be tested with the unique research capabilities of ELI-NP. At LGED, we are constantly eager to
expand our collaborations, and we are currently collaborating for the implementation of the commissioning experiments with:
Kyoto University – ICR – preparatory experiments for DM search performed (2016-2020) in the framework of the SAPPHIRES collaboration; MoU
JAEA (presently QST) – participation to experiments of electron LWFA at J-Karen PW laser (with LDED and LSD); MoU
KEK – collaboration for detector development, MoU signed
Hiroshima University, Japan – Prof. K. Homma, Leader of the LGED TDR
Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece – PRACE2 – numerical simulations; MoU
INFN LN Frascati – particle-driven acceleration
Lanzhou University, China – collaboration Nuclear physics, GDR
Hiroshima University, Japan – Prof. K. Homma, Leader of the LGED TDR
Institute for Chemical Research, University of Kyoto, Japan – the group led by Prof. S. Sakabe, collaboration on RD5-DM experiment topics
KEK, Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies, Japan – collaboration regarding pixelated SoI detectors with the group led by Dr. Y. Arai
Kansai Photon Science Institute, National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology (QST) – collaboration with the group led by Prof. M. Kando on topics of laser acceleration of electrons
Konan University – Prof. H. Utsunomiya, collaboration on LGED-PPEx topics
Institute of Plasma Physics & Lasers - Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece
Computational Radiation Physics group, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf, Germany - developers of PIConGPU code
Sparc Lab - Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Italy
Centro de Láseres Pulsados Ultracortos Ultraintensos - Salamanca, Spain
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, United States - developers of FBPIC and WarpX
Centre of Cancer Research, Cambridge University – joint project, Biophysics group
University of Vienna – joint project in preparation, Biophysics group
Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) – submitted EU proposal, Biophysics group
Univ. Twente – submitted EU proposal, Biophysics group
Bruker Biospin – submitted project, Biophysics group